Saturday, November 21, 2009

Long Time.... more costumes soon!

Hey Folks, Sorry about the long wait between posts. I am keeping a "hand-written" journal for my costumes and then writing them up on the blog. I am currently working on three costumes, that is probably why I haven't gotten anything up in awhile.

New costume line up for 2010 is.... Cortana (Halo 3 design-version), Snowbird (Alpha Flight comic book series - gotta represent Canada) and Selene (Underworld - First movie version).... and probably a few in-between.

I am currently writing in my journal about my Red Sonja costume and will post that up (hopefully) soon. I also want to get my Coraline costume post up soon to... I have had alot of people contact me about that one. And I get a great response from the photos I post up on Facebook... I think that was the easiest, cheapest costume I have ever made... plus most of the costume is useful for outdoor wear... hehe.

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